Beta-Alanina is useful in order to counteract the fatigue during long and high-intensity efforts.
Nitrokic Power is an innovative supplement designed mainly for athletes, containing amino acids and their derivatives, vitamins and plant extracts, useful to optimise muscle perfusion and nervous activity before and during exercise.
Multivitamin is an ideal supplement in conditions of malnutrition, diets poor in fruits and vegetables, antibiotic therapy, psychophysical fatigue and convalescence, in periods of particular sportive and working effort, for people who follow hypocaloric slimming diets.
Multi B50 Complex it is particularly recommended for active people who wish to maintain good vitality and energy levels, and for all those who need to tackle conditions of physical and mental fatigue.
Efa Krill is an innovative dietary supplement containing Antarctic Krill oil (SUPER BOOST™ KRILL OIL), naturally rich in Omega 3, EPA and DHA, mainly in the form of phospholipids, a molecular form that makes them highly bioavailable and beneficial to our health.
Competition is a high-quality dietary supplement with high energy-plastic potential, designed for the professional athlete and for anyone who searches for maximum performance levels.
Contains pure hydrolysed whey protein isolate OPTIPEP ®, quickly assimilated, perfect to accelerate recovery after physical exertion and promotes muscle growth.
Melatonic is a melatonin-based dietary supplement combined with adenosine and glycine, capable of solubilising melatonin and improving its bioavailability.
Emafol is a compound of ingredients that ensures adequate supplementation of iron and specific vitamins with anti-anaemic activity.
Carnitine’s beneficial effects were employed with some success to treat overweight people, to promote the elderly’s cardiovascular wellbeing, to fight sterility associated with poor sperm motility, to improve learning and memory capacities.
Sybar Shape is a balanced dark chocolate covered bar with 28% milk and soy proteins, made using 100% natural and high-quality ingredients.
Sybar Shape Fit is a non-covered optimally balanced protein energy bar with 28% milk and soy proteins, made using 100% natural and high-quality ingredients.
Red Mass is a special high-protein (40%) low-carb bar. It supplies 20 g of proteins and only 20 g of carbohydrates, of which 2 g are sugars;